Vaginas That Look Like Roast Beef

I know people will probably just say something on the lines of 'he will merely exist then glad that he's in bed with y'all in the get-go place that he won't intendance what you look like downwards there' etc merely guys plainly have a preference when it comes to girls' individual parts and there's quite a lot of hype in the media about 'designer vaginas' etc. This has obviously been worsened by the increased availiblity of porn and pictures of girls who expect perfect down in that location, i.e. no inner labia showing and perfectly waxed and shine etc and I'one thousand a bit worried that lots of guys (particularly inexperienced ones) will look at these images and assume that all girls look like this and be disappointed when its not so perfect.

So guys, would you ever be put off by what a girl looked like downward there, if then what would put yous off?
And exercise you agree with surgery to make it neater and trimmer downwardly there?
Also, if you found out that someone had had surgery down at that place, would information technology put you off them a bit, fifty-fifty if it looked amend? or discourage a daughter who wanted it done?

I'm interested to hear the answer to this one... I reckon that most guys will say they don't care and probably don't notice. To exist fair unless you're pretty close and in a human relationship the chances of someone staring right at you in full daylight are kinda slim for at least a while anyway, I've been with my bf a couple of years and he's never tried to get a proper wait unless he'southward down there on business concern anyway lol.

(Original post by .phantom)
I'm interested to hear the answer to this ane... I reckon that most guys volition say they don't care and probably don't detect. To exist fair unless you're pretty close and in a human relationship the chances of someone staring right at you in full daylight are kinda slim for at least a while anyway, I've been with my bf a couple of years and he's never tried to become a proper wait unless he'south downward there on business anyway lol.

That's the thing though, with some things that are pretty obvious like sticking out/large inner labia the guy will almost definitely see/feel it when giving oral.
Is this a turn on/plow off?

(Original mail by Bearding)
That's the affair though, with some things that are pretty obvious like sticking out/big inner labia the guy will virtually definitely encounter/feel information technology when giving oral.
Is this a turn on/turn off?

For me, at least, that'south a plough on. But that's not to say without is really any less of a plough on. I have to say I've never come up across anything I would call a plough off - seriously, for a lot of guys a wide range of looks / feels are attractive. I don't know why girls / women worry so much most how they are downwardly there - guys really in full general don't listen (at to the lowest degree from my discussions with friends), and yes it is as shallow as they will exist happy enough to be downward in that location to dearest any they notice, but fifty-fifty if they have existence downwards there for granted, trust me, they'll be very happy whatever!

You mean beef defunction? I honestly could not requite a ****. Diversity is the spice of life.

wow I was expecting a thread related to pubic hair maintenance or something

to me surgery on my bits : I wouldn't practice information technology, it seems crazy and no i sees it except your partner with whom it shouldn't thing...
I mean I guess if you were interested in becoming a pornstar possibly then but otherwise no way

I'thousand getting my first Brazilian wax adjacent week and that will exist the most farthermost affair my bits will always be put through

Alright in my stance every bit a guy, the bodily look of your genitalia isn't that of import every bit most guys will be glad to exist downwards there. I would say that the only affair guys actually intendance nearly is some relative control over pubic pilus. Trimmed is good because its no fun finding an amazon. Every bit far as the vagina goes, as long equally information technology doesn't have warts, no guy is really going to say no.

Yea I intendance, and they all wait and experience awesome. In fact the weird "nifty" look you ofttimes have in commercial porn is kind of odd, somewhat paedophilic.

they're ugly, whatever they look similar! but then are willies :o:

The only thing that turns me off is a vaginal rainforest I like shaved mainly - don't care nigh anything else tbh

It's all down to personal preference, as is the corporeality of pubic hair. I would say 'just don't let it get out of control', but and then, some guys might be into that.
Personally, i'm not a fan of whatsoever at all, but like i said, it's just personal preference.

Yeh.. well for me hair down in that location isn't really an issue, I personally prefer to fully shave or at the least proceed it very shortly trimmed... still this does make the ahem "beef defunction" or "meat flaps" (or whatever degrading names you wanna phone call them - i.e. labia minora) more obvious. I can try and tuck them in just obviously they won't stay like that during sex.
Do guys find this a turn-on/turn-off/indifferent?

I'm not really bothered, but my GF has quite big labia, and i really like it when i get down on her.

I don't recall it'southward a problem

I do notice whata girl'southward individual parts await like, and must acknowledge some vaginas are non as nice every bit others. Just then I have the residue of the body into account. If she's sparse and hot it'south fine...if shes fat and ugly...then information technology's a reality check for my sanity.

(Original post by _Cone)
I do notice whata girl'due south private parts look like, and must admit some vaginas are not as nice equally others. But and so I take the rest of the trunk into business relationship. If she's thin and hot it's fine...if shes fat and ugly...then it'due south a reality check for my sanity.

Care to elaborate? :p: I'm bold y'all class prissy as the conventional porn magazine blazon vaginas?

(Original mail by Bearding)
Care to elaborate? :p: I'yard bold you class prissy as the conventional porn magazine type vaginas?

Aye lol. But to be honest information technology wouldnt stop me having sex lol,.

(Original postal service past Anonymous)
I know people will probably just say something on the lines of 'he will just be and so glad that he'southward in bed with you in the first place that he won't care what y'all expect like down in that location' etc but guys plainly accept a preference when it comes to girls' private parts and there's quite a lot of hype in the media nigh 'designer vaginas' etc. This has evidently been worsened by the increased availiblity of porn and pictures of girls who expect perfect down there, i.e. no inner labia showing and perfectly waxed and smoothen etc and I'thou a scrap worried that lots of guys (peculiarly inexperienced ones) will await at these images and assume that all girls look like this and be disappointed when its not and so perfect.

Then guys, would yous ever be put off by what a girl looked like down there, if and so what would put you off?
And do yous concord with surgery to brand information technology neater and trimmer downwards there?
Too, if you institute out that someone had had surgery down there, would it put you off them a bit, fifty-fifty if information technology looked better? or discourage a daughter who wanted it done?

Interesting question. I neglect to come across why in that location'south then much kerfuffle near information technology. As long as you don't complain about my penis, I won't complain most your vajayjay!!

Seriously though, I would say I don't, merely I cannot stand hollywood'due south. It's just incorrect.

(Original mail by QwentyJ)
Interesting question. I fail to run into why there's so much kerfuffle about it. As long equally you don't mutter most my penis, I won't complain nigh your vajayjay!!

Seriously though, I would say I don't, but I cannot stand up hollywood's. Information technology's but wrong.

Thanks for that, that'southward exactly how I feel. I would NEVER complain about the appearance of a guy's penis (unless of class it appeared unhealthy in some way i.e. had an STI or smelt actually bad) and it just upsets me that guys have degrading names for the 'ugly' appearance of some girl'due south vaginas. Its the aforementioned with guys who complain about small-scale boobs... I would never comment about guys having small penises considering at the finish of the day Y'all ARE BORN WITH IT, it's non like it can be your fault for the manner you look in this respect. If I dearest the guy then I wouldnt give a **** about his size.

i similar everything to exist reasonably neat and tidy, my personal preference being a landing strip. Just ultimately, it doesn't make that much difference to me. The just thing i would say is a oral cavity full of pilus is not good

just realised you weren't really talking about pubes. In which example, apart from pubes. I don't really intendance


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